Our acupuncturists, Susan and Tony, graduated from Bastyr University in 2005, with a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Both Susan and Tony also have prior experience in healthcare and studied herbal medicine in Shanghai hospitals as part of their final studies at Bastyr. We served the Woodinville community from 2006 to 2017. When we moved our clinic to Everett in 2017, it took us some time to find the right location and become settled in this community. We are thankful for the many people who offered us advice. The Everett community was very welcoming and we are happy to live and work here.
Our Story
Even though we were trained in TCM (traditional chinese medicine) acupuncture at Bastyr University, we almost exclusively use the Balance Method in our clinic. The Balance Method of Acupuncture was created by Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan. His background in engineering and his knowledge of acupuncture were combined in this method to create a very clear and effective means of doing acupuncture. In practice, we have found it to be much quicker and more effective than the TCM method. That is why it is our go-to treatment for pain.
Sadly, Dr Tan passed away in 2015. We, like so many acupuncturists throughout the world, are deeply indebted to him. He was a tireless teacher and had a profound understanding of acupuncture.
Balance Method
Meet the Acupuncturists
Both of our acupuncturists graduated from Bastyr University with Master's degrees in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. They have also been trained in the Balance Method of acupuncture and have finished all the core training for Frequency Specific Microcurrent.
Tony has been working in healthcare for over 20 years. First as a massage therapist and then, as an acupuncturist. His focus has always been the treatment of injuries and pain. Since becoming a licensed acupuncturist in 2005, he has also expanded his scope to treat anxiety and stress-related conditions that are helped greatly with acupuncture.
Susan has been working in healthcare for over 30 years, first as a registered nurse and then, as an acupuncturist. She has an excellent understanding of both Eastern and Western medicine. In addition to treating pain, Susan likes to focus on internal problems, especially diet and digestive issues.